Category: Fucking obvious idea
Diversity is about more than Gods, sexy bits, and skin colour.
I honestly don’t give a fuck what you do / don’t do with / without a penis; your choice of real / imaginary friend means precious little about your behaviour; and your skin colour is as arbitrary as your hair colour. What are you attitudes to conformity, benevolence, poverty, tradition, security, power, hedonism, independence, and…
Sustainable food and renewable energy.
Not: more houses, a nuclear submarine, a shuffle of the NHS, privatisation of universities, another war, a train, a tunnel, or pretty much anything else.
It’s not shit, it’s chocolate ice-cream! Lap it up, suckers!
I know it’s easy to hate Murdoch and the tabloid press, and perhaps I stoop too low in continuing to do so; but the simple truth is that they’re a bunch of fucking bastards who have undermined British civilisation, spread discord and hatred, demeaned women, misrepresented news, ridden rough-shod over democracy, and selfishly, wantonly, and…
Cross your fingers, Britain.
The Sun is undergoing the biggest police operation in British criminal history. BAAAAA HAHAHAAAAAA HAAAAAAA! I’d write more but I’m laughing so fucking hard, I swear I can’t. Ah, happy, happy days!
Stop looking at the fucking speedometer and look where we’re going, because we left the road a while ago.
Now we’ve been bumping along for about a decade, how about we all stop looking at the counter labelled “Growth” on the dashboard of economy and maybe try to work out where the fuck we’re going? We’re about to run out of fuel, we’ve crashed through a number of places which could have helped us,…
Even if you COULD reach the top of the hamster wheel, what would you do when you got there?
Unfortunately the skill-base is rapidly ensuring that local made stuff will have less quality and higher price than the “cheap and nasty” Chinese counterparts. It’s a race to the bottom, and in most sectors, the bottom has been hit. Now that manufacturing is all but dead, and the internet has made retail all but dead,…
Abdandon fucking ship.
So you’re the Captain, your ships sailed a bit close to the rocks and you’ve run aground (it is also possible you’ve been drinking and flirting, but hey, haven’t we all). Whilst there is still a single person left alive on that vessel you stay onboard and fight. Yes this is an allegory. Go figure.
Rank countries by their sustainability, not by their fucking credit rating.
If a country lives beyond its means, S&P gives it a bad credit rating. There are two observations I’d like to make here. 1) Fund managers behave like a dorm full of teenage girls told a ghost story by a prefect. It’s fucking pathetic. The idea that markets are all wise and should guide our…
Yes, that was a bit fucking harsh, wasn’t it?
Crowdfunded assassinations by remote controlled helicopter.
Granted, popping off an Iranian nuclear scientist is a pretty easy and effective way of stopping nuclear progress in Iran, but it’s a pretty lame one. Why kill the poor scientist? If you can toss a magnetic bomb at a car, you can sure as hell fly a drone to zap out the political leadership…