Category: Fucking obvious idea
How can leaders warn of a grim 2012? We have people, resources, need, opportunity, desire – what the fuck are we lacking exactly?
Oh, yeah, that’s right: LEADERS WHO FUCKING LEAD. “Well thankfully we’ve got the Olympics and the Golden Jubilee to look forward to – otherwise it would be bleak as all hell,” says Mr Cameron. Oh you stupid, stupid man. You have no fucking idea, do you? You honestly do not see the potential you’re holding…
Striking when you’ve a noble grievance is inspiring. Striking at Christmas or New Year every single fucking year makes you looks like a bunch of selfish, moronic cunts.
Obligatory link to the London Underground Song.
2012. There is a renaissance coming. Be ready, be informed, be useful.
How? Watch these and learn.
As of today, the days are getting longer. The new year has just begun. 2012 is on the doorstep… let’s go and make it fucking epic!
Is all we lack a credible sounding -ism?
It’s all ready. The problems are well defined, the range of solutions are well defined. We just need a name. Polyism? Humanism? (taken). Benign capitalism? (too .. incremental). Vacillism (the only thing constant is change). Civilism? How about just Civic? We’re all civic now. Overtones of civilisation, historic greatness (Greeks, democracy, whatnot), and it breaks…
Give up. It’s not fucking worth it.
If you’re reading this and working at making good things happen: please do not despair (too much). Everyone is behind you and wants you to succeed. Keep at it, because your success is not only what we long for, it’s also inevitable. We need you to keep building the future which DOES work, so that…
Fuck FIFA.
I couldn’t care less about football, but corruption and hypocrisy annoy the bejesus out of me. Which makes me think that if I did like football, I’d be fucking incensed by these self-appointed, incompetent, swaggering mafia fucks coming in an pissing on our football. Sigh. Yet another anachronistic institution in need of a substitute.
This game is completely fucking shit. Everyone loses. Fuck that. Let’s play a better game.
No, not thermonuclear war, 1980s film fans, but how about we try ‘see which country can be zero carbon first?’ or ‘first country to reach 100% recycling wins 30% of Mars’, or ‘race to the 3 day work week’? These all sound like much better games than ‘how many souls can this financial algorithm eat…
Why the fuck am I not striking today?
On the surface this strike is about pensions and money. But you’re smart enough to see that it’s bigger than that: It’s about the future we want vs the future we fear. It’s that money now makes is harder to trade, not easier. It’s about shared resources being privatised. It’s about short-termism. It’s about equality…