Category: Fucking obvious idea
Make organic the default.
Farmers can use toxic and polluting fertilisers and insecticide as much as they like, but if you’re organic you need to be inspected and certified. That’s fucked up.
Fridays are Strike days.
Because one day you might have to explain all this shit to an alien and you sure as hell don’t want to be like this poor chap. Strike for better. It’s the only sensible route we have open to us.
EU blocks copyright reform with a voter turnout of 113%. In a room of 23 people.
The final kicker here is that the 113-per-cent voter turnout happened in the Legal Affairs committee (JURI), which has the responsibility of safeguarding the integrity and trustworthiness of the legal framework as a whole in Europe. Read this, get angry.
KONY2012 style whip-around to fund a team of mercenaries to sort out Syria.
Cultivate randomness. Live a life of discipline, but do not be afraid of disorder.
From The Traveler, by John Twelve Hawks
Hey, Richard Branson, I thought you were supposed to be a fucking dude?
Exactly one month ago, Richard (may I call you Richard?), you published these words in an interview which ran with the subtitle “Sir Richard Branson says the future belongs to entrepreneurs who put people and the planet before short-term profit.” I believe that business can be a force for good, and that by doing the right thing…
The archbishops do protest too much, methinks.
In the lifespan of an idea there comes a time when each time it is aired it seems more and more ridiculous. Whilst there’s a part of me that wishes bigoted archbishops would shut the fuck up, there’s a part of me which delights in their red-faced, small-minded outrage. Don’t worry, everyone, they’ll all be dead…
Fix the problem.
NOT the symptom.
Read what follows.
There is probably no other word that would be as overused in the media discourse as ‘generation’. I once tried to count the ‘generations’ that have been proclaimed in the past ten years, since the well-known article about the so-called ‘Generation Nothing’; I believe there were as many as twelve. They all had one thing…
Surely I should be able to turn the fucking shower on and off WITHOUT getting wet?
It’s like having the controls for a gas cooker behind the burners, for fuck’s sake.