Category: Fucking obvious idea
Buy organic, local food, and pay more for it. Avoid buying food in supermarkets, instead use local shops or a food co-op.
He’s not a farmer but he plays one on TV, and he’s completely fucking right about this.
Plastic bags are fucking awesome.
They must be, because we still use billions of them every fucking day, right?! I mean, if there were a better way then for sure we’d be doing it, because we’re too fucking smart not to. Only a backward country like Rwanda would ban plastic bags*, and deny its citizens the delights of being given…
Just fucking suck it up, and say you’re sorry. It’s the right thing to do, and you know it.
As simple as can be but no fucking simpler.
Turn off the fucking advertising.
Being surrounded by adverts telling you what you want and how you should be is not very fucking healthy. Even if you think you don’t notice them, they’re there, sowing their GM seeds into your wildflower pasture and before you know it BAM!! You’ve only gone and bought a fucking iPad you never knew you…
Economists are pussies. They ignore 66% of the problem because it’s ‘too hard’.
When humans go out to get busy it’s ‘economics’, but when non-humans do it it’s ‘ecology’. Why? Because it’s fucking hard to work out how to value tigers and trees and mouse poo. But that’s not stopped some clever people having a crack. You have to make some choices like “we’re only going to value…
Many of the anxieties that harass you are superfluous: being but creatures of your own fancy, you can rid yourself of them and expand into an ampler region, letting your thought sweep over the entire universe, contemplating the illimitable tracts of eternity.
Far-the-fuck-out! Great words there from Marcus Aurelius, via the genius behind the Politics of Wellbeing. Have fun. We love you.
Just sign the fucking petition.
In 12 hours a petition will be handed to Jeremy Hunt. Please sign it at the 38degrees website. Maybe together we can ask them to stop trying to undermine the value of the lives we have built so that they and their barrow-boy friends can pedal more mediocre banalities and stuff their already overflowing pockets…
Britain could be a zero-carbon country by 2030. What the fuck are we waiting for? Seriously, have you seen the fucking science? It’s a big fucking scary problem but we know the solutions and we’re not fucking doing them. Why the fuck not?
Prove to yourself that a zero-cabon Britain can be a very viable, attainable reality at
Grow a vegetable or two this year.
Growing your own is about as green and good as it gets. It’s cheaper, fewer food miles, no pollutants, more nutritious, and rather satisfying to be able to serve it up knowing that you made it happen. All it takes is one pot on your windowsill, or you could get a few more seeds and…