Category: Fucking obvious idea
Make policies based on science, not on salesmen.
Our Chief Scientist has today been forced to point out the fucking obvious again. It turns out that, as everyone already knows, infinite growth on a finite planet is just never going to fucking work no matter what it means for the value of your shares, or how politically difficult you think it might be…
Fuck you, Tony, you remorseless, belligerent, deeply misguided fuck. We all hate you. Kill yourself.
“The fact is they [Iran] are doing it because they disagree fundamentally with our way of life and they will carry on doing it unless they are met with the requisite determination and, if necessary, force.” No, Tony. They only disagree with twats like you fucking it all up for the rest of us. It’s…
Fuck the trend.
We waste so much just because we all insist on doing things at the same fucking time. Whether it’s energy, time, or money, our adherence to other people’s patterns brings cost as well as convenience. If we could smooth out these peaks and gluts we’d not burn our lives away sitting in traffic, we’d…
Bicycle more.
Thrift, parsimony, & efficiency are fucking good things.
Thrift: the characteristic of using a minimum of something. Parsimony: principle of using the least resources or explanations to solve a problem. Efficient: making good, thorough, or careful use of resources; not consuming extra. Especially, making good use of time or energy.
More oil? Under the Arctic? Drilled by BP? After a deal with corrupt Russians? FUCK ME ARE THEY FUCKING RETARDED? HOW CAN THAT EVER BE A GOOD IDEA?
You have to ask yourself if people are just really, really stupid, or if they are just straight-up ecopaths? It’s like living in a Bond film, except that Max Zorin was kindly and thoughtful compared to this.
Give blood.
Register now* and then once you’re done, see if you or anyone you know can register a dog to give blood, too because that’s just … well it’s just fucking cool that dogs can give blood. *OK, not then, but NOW. GO GO GO! You look good when you’re on a mission! Goodbye! Good…
Being “neutral” in a crisis is a fucking joke.
Or as Dante Alighieri put it, far better, but in a way which is too long for the headline, “the hottest places in hell are reserved for those who in times of great moral crises maintain their neutrality.” We’re all for not doing stuff, but if you think not-acting is morally benign, you’re fooling only…
Eat organic to show you give a fuck.
It proves that you’ve realised that pesticide and fertilisers are fucking retarded and irresponsible. That’s why I love organic.
Fuck Murdoch.
And fuck impartiality, too. Some things are too fucking important. Help 38 Degrees help you by taking action on this urgent request to take that putrescent fucker down.