Category: Fucking obvious idea
Aren’t you sick of all this fucking stuff?
“The adverts, the buying, the unfulfilling bullshit, the stupid fucking twats who take mindless stupid fucking decisions every fucking day, the commute, the noise, the hassle, all the sitting down, all the nonsense and gibberish, and this fucking shit we do day in, day out. How the fuck did it come to this? Fuck it.…
Save the internet, save the world.
How would you spread a message if someone shut down the internet right now? You’d be fucked, right? So help blackout-proof the protests with some low-cost geek-boxes. Technology and the unrestricted flow of information are absolutely fucking critical to the success of the wave of the renaissances going on in Africa and the Middle East.…
Get a hobby other than drinking for fuck’s sake.
Living your life doesn’t mean you have to turn into Keith fucking Richards. It doesn’t mean you have to go out and get twatted every week talking shite to every lonely fucker who will listen.
Cancel the fucking debt.
No, not just the fucking Africans again. Everyone. All of it. Let’s just stop dicking about and focus on what’s important which is, unless this isn’t clear yet, that WE HAVE SOME SERIOUS FUCKING RESOURCE SHORTAGE AND ENVIRONMENTAL CHANGE ISSUES AND A FUCKING HUUUUGE AND GROWING POPULATION. Seriously, right now worrying about paying back some…
If it’s not resilient, it’s as good as fucking useless.
Making things so lean and efficient and amazing like Tescos do means that when something goes even just a little bit wrong, the whole fucking thing falls apart. Stop being such avaricious fucks and build a little play into things.
Cheer the fuck up.
You’ll be dead sooner than you think, so stop doing things you don’t like and get out there and make yourself happy. It’s not fucking difficult, it’s just daunting. Seriously, buck up and get on out there and LIVE.
Admit it – at least 50% of what you do is completely fucking useless in the long run.
The next natural step would be just to stop fucking doing then. But… one step at a time. We wouldn’t want to let on that we’re super-fucking smart and have worked it all out.
Valentine’s day is all about good fucking ideas.
Love someone’s brains out tonight. We love you, you wild monkeys!
Fuck more, breed less.
Remember that ‘market efficiency’ is a fucking myth.