Category: Fucking obvious idea
Trains are a fucking public service, not a public fucking service.
We all know that fewer cars on the road is a Good Thing for all sorts of excellent and noble reasons. So instead we take the trains because we’re good people and WE GET ROYALLY FUCKED OVER for our troubles. Now just what the bloody hell are you playing at, train companies / government? We…
Demand to eat more fucking GM.
Hurrah! Just when it seemed our society couldn’t be any more broken or our world more fucked, we’re having another completely fucking pointless GM trial! It turns out some businessmen in lab coats have found out that they can get a GM wheat to repel aphids, which is pretty neat. What’s really clever is that…
Stop talking and fucking do something.
Read different newspapers.
Do you want to learn more about how people like you behave? Or would it be more useful to learn how other people think?
Go to the beach.
Said General Clay to General Gore, “Oh must we fight this silly war? To kill and die is such a bore.” “I quite agree,” said General Gore. Said General Gore to General Clay, “We could go to the beach today And have some ice cream on the way.” “A grand idea,” said General Clay. Said…
Don’t fight back, move on.
Don’t base your economic system on the fucking Doozers from Fraggle Rock.
Remember how in Fraggle Rock the Doozers spent all their time building great constructions, only to have the Fraggles come along and eat them? The great thing was that the Doozers loved this because it meant they got to build more meaning they had to start over – but they were happy to do so…
If you’re going to riot, make it fucking mean something.
Jesus fucking H Christ. A bunch of fucking teenagers with tshirts wrapped around their faces has brought London to a standstill, and for what? To protest at their vapid futures which have been pissed away by generations of short-termism? To insist that their lives have meaning and they demand that politicians and business treat their…
Kill a stupid person.
Fuck it. Apparently we have tried really hard to fix things, and yet the “debt crisis” is still spreading, the world is still warming up, it’s still cheaper to chop down a rainforest than farm trees, and still most people seem to think that working is chiefly about making money. So as of today, I…