Category: Fucking obvious idea
Try to minimise suffering, not maximise happiness.
If we didn’t get raped, we wouldn’t need rape counselling.
All these fuckers in the city who make lots of money then “give something back” really piss me off. “Well” they say, “where would things be without the philanthropy of the wealthy?” Well, you patronising self-important bastard, I suspect that everyone would be a lot better off if you hadn’t spent the last 15 years…
Wake the fuck up.
If I hear one more politician talk about ‘the need for growth’, I’m going to fucking scream.
Wake the fuck up, you thoughtless fucking moron! We’re stretched as it is – asking for more growth is THE VERY WORST SOLUTION YOU COULD POSSIBLY HAVE MENTIONED. Call for development, enriching, humanity, civilisation, prosperity – but please please please STOP TALKING ABOUT FUCKING GROWTH or resign, right now, because you’re pushing my planet beyond…
Money is fucking ridiculous.
Watch this.
Remove hedgehogs before lighting bonfires.
They explode, and with all those spikes it’s like being attacked by a room of psychotic acupuncturists. (They don’t explode. I was trying to be funny. Hedgehogs are too cute and lovely to burn to death, THAT’S why we remove them first.)
Let Greece do what the fuck it wants.
The poor bastards only signed up to a common currency experiment because they thought it would help them. It hasn’t. Like giving a teenager a Ferrari to get to school, it’s merely helped them to fuck themselves even harder, even faster. But that there was “shock in the capitals of Europe” as they DEMOCRATICALLY DECIDE…
Don’t let your city release dangeous cyclopaths.
Putting motorists first is really just not a sensible way of shaping the future. I ask you, who in their right mind would design a cyclepath plays with traffic? If they’re not going to do it properly, then don’t even fucking pretend to give a shit. I know there are targets for new cyclepath miles,…
Make being gay a crime.
Right now, almost 80 countries around the world make it a crime to be gay or lesbian. In 10 of those nations, you can be sentenced to death or life behind bars. That is so FUCKED UP. Many of my life’s pleasures come from watching endlessly playful lesbians; and the way I see it, having…
Stop. Collaborate. And Listen.
Do you think there will be, or should be, big changes between now and 2050? Do you think we’re moving fast enough? Are you happy with the way it’s all playing out? Yes: You lucky bugger. It must be great to be in your bubble. But your naive apathy is an insult to your ancestors…