Category: Fucking obvious idea
Stop fucking dis-integrating.
Breaking things down into easily managed component parts is easy. Putting them back together as a working whole is very fucking hard.
Just fucking deal with it and stop fucking around.
Eat less fucking meat. And fish.
If you could visualise the impact we’ve had on fish stocks, and how deeply fucked we all are if we continue to eat meat, you’d probably spaz out right now.
The problem is not fucking fixed until the process which caused it is fixed.
It’s so fucking embarrasing for humanity when we go on the rampage about some small specific symptom of a problem. Just as we all know knife crime is not caused by knives, you can follow any problem back to its root, and the nearer the root you fix the problem, or the more you work…
Don’t fucking think, it’s a waste of shopping time.
From the Love Police, who just want you to be happy.
Build more fucking renewables.
The Chinese are building one windmill every fucking hour. And in Portugal they went from 15% to 45% renewable energy in just 5 years. I’m humbled and wonder what the fuck I’ve been doing with my time. Though… I know what I’ve been doing with my time, I’ve been learning Greenpeace’s fucking amazing facts you…
Just fucking move along.
If it’s not fun, it’s not fucking sustainable.
Don’t let your possessions possess you.