Category: Fucking obvious idea
Rules? Fuck the rules.
Go and occupy something. And if you don’t learn something, teach.
Speak the truth, even if your voice shakes.
Embrace uncertainty and hope for the best.
Unfortunately we don’t really have much choice in the matter, but it seems altogether more cheery to face it with a grin and a twinkle in the eye, doesn’t it?
Don’t fuck hospitals. Fucking nurses is still OK.
Doctors and nurses are sexy and lovely and wonderful and can do magic, and like everyone they love a good massage and some tender love-making. What they don’t value so much is being fucked in the arse by a different politician every few years; and frankly it’s not something I like to watch either. In…
Occupy London.
Just print the fucking file in a colour you do have then, printer.
Oh Mr.Epson you are fucking testing me today… If I’m not printing in black I don’t give a flying fuck if the magenta ink has run out. And even if I did want a magenta letter, how about giving me the choice to print it in another colour? If you’re smart enough to know it’s…
Make Ecocide the 5th international crime against peace.
This is such a fucking good idea and so very fucking awesomely powerful that you’re going to have to stand waaaay back when you realise how big the thing you’re about to do is. Is that sentence even in English? I don’t know and I don’t care. I’m disoriented by the brilliance of what’s close…
Make it fucking simpler.
Something is simple or complex depending on the way we choose to describe it. Complex problems do not require complex solutions, they require simpler thinking. I think Edward de Bono said that, but if he didn’t it’s the sort of thing he would have said. Mind you, I’ll bet at least one person per year…
Fuck working. Life’s too short for that shit.
Which isn’t to say that you shouldn’t do stuff, but just make sure you like your livelihood enough not to consider it as work.