Category: Fucking obvious idea
Say “I love you” more often. And show it more often than you say it.
But drive the point home by saying it a lot, too, because people are morons like that and start taking stuff for granted. Me especially.
He’s the fucking Pope. Of COURSE he’s been abusing his position of power.
“We will fix it”
– The Mice.
“Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change” – which is almost nothing, you and I are damned near unstoppable.
Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change (which is almost nothing, you and I are damned near unstoppable) The courage to change the things I can, (which is almost everything, because you and I are awesome, and where we can’t do it, we have friends who can) And wisdom to know…
Straight or gay, we’re all getting fucked by inaction on renewables & sustainability.
Dear parliamentarians, 1. You’re my delegates. You do what I say, not the other way around. 2. Sexual activity and pairing is no responsibility of the Government. 3. If you think this debate about gay marriage warrants your time, you have no place in parliament. Please leave immediately. Yours, A fucking rocket scientist.
Fucking told you so.
Scientists are fucked off. And fucking scared.
“The world is full of magical things patiently waiting for our wits to grow sharper”
or so said Bertrand Russell.
Put “Do not use ______” post-it notes on dumb things.
Some of life’s lessons come from the most unexpected places. This is the second time the lift at GFI-HQ has inspired an idea. Some crafty dude has put a post-it note its doors: “Do not use lift”. This is fucking genius, because the lift works perfectly well. But as a life tip it’s second to…
Ask the right fucking question.
Today’s thoughts come to you today in the shape of a short play set in a restaurant. It is a thinly veiled analogy about being giving a vote on the EU, and teaches us important lessons that some choice is no choice at all, and that whilst it’s possible for everyone to be at the…
Fuck Molotovs, throw snowballs!
Oh, Ireland! It appears there are still a small number in your midst who are scrapping like tired children over small fripperies. Could you cook them a good warm meal and send them to bed? It will all be much clearer in the morning and they’ll wonder – like the rest of us do –…