Category: Fucking obvious idea
Fuck fairy tales. Make happy endings come true in reality. Please.
Play God. Especially on Sundays when (s)he rested.
333 years. That’s how long we’d have to run Comic Relief to pay for ONE nuclear submarine. Government irresponsibility is not funny.
I’m ashamed of myself. Yesterday I gave money to Comic Relief. I should stick to my principles more closely, because we must stop letting these political morons off the hook. It seems there’s always PLENTY of money for stupid fucked up stuff like HS2, Trident, wars, and running races, but when it comes to actually running…
Pull both zips on your backpack around to one side, not together at the top.
I thought it was fucking obvious, but so many people are walking around with their bags slipping open under their own weight. Be awesome, spread the word.
If you’re an idiot, don’t go out if it’s snowing.
All these poor bastards were stuck on the roads in the ‘snow’ recently because a couple of morons up front couldn’t drive in snow. A word to the stupid people out there: if you can’t drive in snow / the dark / rain, then please don’t go out if the weather looks set to be…
Fuck for the forest.
Yes, it’s real. They make erotic films, put them online and use the profits to save the world. That, my friends, is fucking inspired. h/t GlobalCool.
Fuck Wonga.
” Treasury-commissioned research from Bristol University has concluded that consumers are being harmed because of serious problems in the market, our correspondent adds.” Stupid fucking free market.
Let ME decide when to open the fucking washing machine door.
Self-righteous little fucker won’t open because it thinks I’ll spill water all over the place. Well let me tell you something, WashingMachine, THERE ISN’T ANY WATER IN YOU. Now open the fucking door before I get a hammer.
I’m pretty fucking certain that Oscar Pistorius does not need to be headline fucking news for a whole fucking week.
Take the power back.
UK Together is a collective buying group bringing people together across the UK to get a better price on gas and electricity. Join in by 17 March.