Category: Fucking obvious idea
Work a bit fucking less.
Get fit. Meet people. Go places. Have fun.
Fucking genius.
Be fucking vigilant.
Because the psychics are coming.
Remember that Jesus had so much less to get fucked off about.
I’m pretty sure he’d have done more than write to his MP if he knew the shit we’re getting up to now.
Punish parents for taking children to hospital.
There’s a database being put in place to help hospitals spot victims of serial abuse. That’s fucking stupid, and I’m sure by now you’ve worked out why. If a parent (or anyone) brings a child to hospital that is the best possible thing that can happen at that time. If there is any barrier to…
There is no fucking reality but action.
Do not step back and to the right. Join hands and step forward.
You’ve come too far, and your life too important, to fuck it up now.
If you’re going to eat beef, eat only grass-fed beef.
God hates flags.
Don’t fucking kill each other.
Killing people makes you look like a twat. I think some god said that once. I think a god also said “just not lest ye be judged”. Frankly I’m OK with that since I’ve never bombed any civilians.