Category: Fucking obvious idea

  • Know thyself.

    Know thyself.

    The answers to these questionnaires can be very illuminating.

  • Refuse to be fucking terrorised.

    Refuse to be fucking terrorised.

    In a four-year span between 1985 and 1989: Middle Eastern terrorists hijack a U.S. jetliner bound for Italy and hold hostages in secret locations in Lebanon and Syria for two weeks. While this is going on, another group detonates a bomb in a 747 over the North Atlantic, killing more than 300 people. Soon after,…

  • Enjoy white wine in the sun.

    Enjoy white wine in the sun.

    It’s rare to hear someone saying something heartfelt and worthwhile at Christmas. It’s so easy to trot out the same hackneyed crap and parroted sentimentalism without relishing the beauty of being able to celebrate another year, whilst feasting like Kings in warm houses. We are lucky indeed. So to help you settle in to a…

  • Put receipts in with presents you give.

    Put receipts in with presents you give.

    Why do we think everyone should be perfectly fucking telepathic at Christmas? Of course we’re going to give and receive things that aren’t really wanted. How were you to know they got that book from the library last week? So here’s a simple way to make things better: Get an envelope, put the receipt in…

  • Surprises are fucking cool!

    Surprises are fucking cool!

  • A wall post is not the same as a hug.

    A wall post is not the same as a hug.

    Life is always too short, but never too short to let your friends know you value them.

  • Libraries.


    Not only do they save you a fortune on books, the “free knowledge” thing is conceptually fucking epic. Librarians of the world, WE LOVE YOU!

  • Have some genuinely fucking useful skills.

    Have some genuinely fucking useful skills.

    If it comes to the crunch, the people everyone wants to have on their team are doctors, engineers, and farmers. Take a first aid course, get some good DIY skills or something even more useful like plumbing, and begin to learn techniques for food production.

  • 14 making days until Christmas!

    14 making days until Christmas!

    It’s fucking amazing getting a present which has been made JUST FOR YOU. In the next 14 days, you’ve probably got plenty to time to make at least two things which someone in your life will appreciate for ever and ever. (Mince pies with heart shapes for Mum: 40 minutes. A cute little poem for…

  • Play life like an infinite game.

    Play life like an infinite game.

    The rules of the finite game may not change; the rules of an infinite game must change. Finite players play within boundaries; infinite players play with boundaries. Finite players are serious; infinite games are playful. A finite player plays to be powerful; an infinite player plays with strength. A finite player consumes time; an infinite…