Category: Fucking obvious idea
Stop spraying everything with toxic chemicals, you stupid fear-mongering fucks.
Whilst the propaganda wing of UK Crop Protection have been busy selecting data so they can tell us that without their careful work food in the UK would cost £70bn more, UN research has shown that the adoption of organic and near-organic farming practices in Africa has improved yields by 116%, improved access to food…
Design a banking system that is fit for purpose.
Phase 1: Tame vampire squid. Phase 2: Great Transition to awesomeness Phase 3: Relief and happiness
Give twice as much to charity.
Give to charity today and your money will be fucking doubled! Let’s hear it for these lovely people!
Have more fucking sunshine.
Be happier and healthier during winter, have lower electricity bills, and save to CO2 equivalent of more than 50,000 cars driving all the way around the world each year just by just putting our clocks forward! Epically fucking simple!
Use more stuff.
More creativity, more skill, more passion, more compassion, more thought, more stairs, more patience, more root vegetables, more jumpers. And above all, more hats. You look fucking good in a hat.
Make Britain run on clean energy by 2030.
Do something fucking amazing with the next 20 years: build a zero carbon Britain by 2030. Power up renewables. Power down fossil fuels. Fucking simple, fucking exciting, and we’re already on the way. Foot to the fucking floor! YEE-freakin’-HA!!
If you’re cold, put a fucking jumper on.
Meatless Monday
It’s like a normal Monday, but – and here’s where their eponymous genius kicks in – it’s meatless. Meatless Monday! Anyone fancy launching Fish-free Friday?
Start a Green School.
Like this one.
Make words represent thoughts, not the other way around.
‘Common sense’ is not the same as ‘good sense’. ‘Human behaviour’ can change. ‘Human nature’ does not exist. ‘Democracy’ says what’s popular (sport, gossip and X-Factor). ‘Meritocracy’ supports what’s good. George Orwell was a fucking dude.