Category: Fucking obvious idea
Spot the fucking patterns.
Save yourself the fucking bother.
A lot of acquisition of crap arises from this type of reasoning: “If I’m to be a [insert job / personality type / dominant characteristics] type of person, I want to make it easy for myself and I want to have the trimmings which go with it. So it makes sense for me to get…
Fuck resolutions.
Just be better because you know that’s what you should be. You have 365 days starting now. Go.
Have a fucking good time.
Happy New Year, everyone! Thank you for being so TOTALLY FUCKING EXCELLENT this year! Here’s toasting your health, wisdom, happiness, and joy in the year ahead! With more love than is decent or legal amongst complete strangers, xx Team GFI
Fuck. This. Shit.
The end of the year is a time for reflection. So remember this: The infinite possibilities each day holds should stagger the mind. The sheer number of experiences you could have is uncountable, breathtaking, and you’re sitting there looking at your computer. We live trapped in loops, reliving a few days over and over, and…
Car pool, or hitch-hike.
More fun, less money, restores faith in the fundamental good of humanity.
Don’t waste your fucking time.
(With thanks to Freud for the subliminal messaging.)
Refrain from making unnecessary journeys.
Fuck Christmas.
But have the happiest fucking Yuletide ever, for lo, the wondrous sun returneth unto us! Longer days of sunshine here we come! Enjoy the pause, glorious fellows.
Use a spatula. Properly.
More food on the plates, less washing up. What’s not to love, eh? Fucking tasty genius.