Category: Fucking obvious idea
Dumpster dive at your supermarket.
Today is Mardi Gras when we eat up all the scraps of food in big pancakes so we don’t waste good food whilst we’re fasting for the next 40 days to prepare for the coming of the Easter Bunny and his chocolate gifts. Which is a great excuse to go and investigate the amount of…
Go lightly. Like those dudes in Crouching Tiger.
Awesome lightness. Awesome understanding. Awesome respect from all.
Office workers: when you leave, TURN OFF THE FUCKING LIGHTS.
Just because it’s work doesn’t mean it doesn’t count. It’s still using the energy your children are going to really, really want. Please don’t fucking waste it.
If you have the means, please kick Rupert Murdoch in the balls. Really fucking hard.
It’s probably not the sort of opportunity you’re going to get twice, so you might as well hammer it home. And if you work for him, be a love and please do your best not to let him destroy everything we value, would you?
Slow the fuck down.
The slower you go, the less likely you are to make mistakes, and the more likely you are to appreciate your existence. Life is too fucking short and to fast to miss out on all the little things that make it so fucking beautiful and fucking great to be alive.
Eat smart
If a healthy school meal service, linked to good food education, reduced the incidence of Type 2 diabetes by just 1% then it would more than pay for itself in savings on diabetes costs alone. (Source: Soil Association) Then.. (a) let’s fucking fix this asap, so we can quickly move on to (b) who the…
Simplify things to a point of meaninglessness, then start a newspaper.
Evidently it’s the only way to do it.
It’ll only take 10 minutes. Will it fuck.
Per Day Per Year Per 5 Years Per 50 Years 10 min 7.6 days 38 days 380 days 15 min 11 days 57 days 570 days 30 min 23 days 114 days 1,141 days
Don’t measure everything in fucking money.
Look after yourself and work together.