Category: Fucking obvious idea
Disconnect from the mains.
Taxing wealthier people more makes them, and us, a lot fucking happier.
A new study comparing 54 nations found that the more progressive the tax policy is, the happier the citizens are.
Let’s just make Palenstine a fucking state and move on, can we?
In case you haven’t noticed there are one or two other more important issues which the rest of humanity would like to concentrate on, and we’ve been finding it a hard to do that because there’s always one of you fuckers on the news blowing something up or getting uppity because the other kid stole…
Get other people involved.
Practise being happy.
You know what? It turns out that cruising around with a smile on your face is fucking entertaining.
Slow down so you can realise what’s fucked and what’s not.
Go and play.
Sit upright and think good thoughts.
Stop the fucking arms fair.
Selling guns is what pathetic men with Rambo fixations did in the 1980s. Whereas now it’s 2011. So you can see that having an arms fair in ExCel London today is an event worthy of your derision and disgust, and entirely inappropriate for any civilised nation, let alone the spot which is hosting the Olympics…
Money sure as hell fucks things up.
If you think “yeah, but what choice is there?” or “yep, it does, but I don’t know enough about it to comment”, or if you would simply like to spend the most interesting 40 minutes reappraising everything you thought you knew about money but had never thought to question, take a read of this. (Yes,…