Category: Fucking obvious idea
Your work and your life are not separate things. Take some fucking responsibility for you actions.
If any change is imposed on a system in equilibrium, the system will change in such a way as to counteract the imposed change.
A broadened version of Le Chatelier-Braun Principle so that GM scientists can understand it.
No GM food until they’ve got GM algae photosynthesing oil or hydrogen more efficiently than we can dig it out of the ground.
I hope you fucking die.
…at least, you know, if you choose to. Like this chap who has locked-in syndrome. How fucking ballsy is Parliament is make laws telling me I can’t choose the moment of my own death?! Actually you have to hand it to them: they did well sneaking that one through because that’s brazen. Maybe it was…
If you don’t buy recycled, you’re not fucking recycling.
Share the fuck out of this shit.
Why the fuck not? Oh..yeah.. language. Well.. share it with people who give a fuck and realise that words are just … like… words, man.
Include the fucking demos in the democracy.
How about a public reading stage before bills go to Parliament? Those clever geek monkeys have saved the save AGAIN.
Get on your mother fucking bike, y’all.
Watch the video at and sing along. Go on, do it for Bradley. (Though @bradwiggins, there are bigger issues than cyclists not wearing helmets: additional mirrors on HGVs and buses, early green traffic lights for cyclists, presumed driver responsibility unless proven otherwise…)
Pay more for your fucking food.
Put safe cycle routes on Google Maps. (Wish granted, 11 July 2012)
Thanks Sustrans!