Category: Fucking obvious idea
Do what makes you happy only some of the time. Do what makes us better with the rest of it.
Adapt to your surroundings.
I am establishing myself as a bank. I am then going to loan you pretend money, but ask for real money back again. When I realise I’ve spent all your real money, I’m going to make more pretend money. And you’ll accept that because you’re too busy needing to make some real money for me to stop and think.
The whole problem with the world is that fools and fanatics are always so certain of themselves, but wiser people so full of doubts.
Bertrand Russell fucking nails it right there.
Bob fucking Diamond.
What a prick.
Eat less, exercise more. You fat fuck.
Fat people are creating a food crisis because they eat so bloody much. Point and laugh at fatty and shame those lard monkeys into NOT eating all the fucking pies before the world’s food system collapses under their weight.
Boycott America.
What the fuck has Occupy done so far?
Airships don’t need runways. Think ahead, people, think ahead.
How to solve climate change? Stop fucking funding it.
World governments $750m to $1 trillion on fossil fuel subsidies. #endfossilfuelsubsidies