Category: Fucking obvious idea
Don’t judge me. Buy tickets.
It’s all about getting laid. Use your power wisely, women.
If a fossil fuel extraction company is paying your bills, you’re fucking sick.
Knowing what we know now about the extent of global abuse, you’re like a Catholic choir master who thought it was best to just carry on and keep his head down (if you’ll pardon the expression). Only you’re much worse because everyone’s getting raped in this version. Don’t take it personally, I know bills need…
If you work for the bad guys, quit your fucking job today.
OHBOYOHBOYOHBOYOHBOYOHBOY! Days like yesterday are TOTALLY, COMPLETELY FUCKING AWESOME! Why? Let me tell you. In fact, let MB tell you: Hi GFI A year and a half ago I accidentally got a job in corporate branding, for the oil and gas industry. Yeah, I know, bad fucking idea. It’s been a hell ride and about…
We know that as a species, we are hitting the limits, in resources, pollution, and our impact on the natural world. We know that exponential growth in a closed system is dangerous. We know that we must reduce the impact of our society immediately or face widespread systemic failure. As makers and entrepreneurs, our task is to make these constraints work for us, and use our creativity to deliver progress without the costs we previously accepted as a side effect of our work. We have very little time, but we have an incredibly powerful tool at our disposal. We have to apply the power of the web to make change happen at all levels of society, transforming businesses, governments, and citizens on a massive scale. Beginning today, we will dedicate ourselves to this mission. We will work on projects with true meaning, that make the future a better place to be, rather than creating illusory short-term value. We hope you will join us. We have a lot of work to do.
The CleanWeb Manifesto
Make the lift slower than the stairs.
Rave police.
The London riots are kicking off. The shit is going down and the police are scrambled. They arrive on the scene and block one end of the street with an enormous lorry. Helicopters circle over-head. At the other end of the street the police are armed with lasers and strobe lights. What the fuck is…
Everything is a fucking remix.
Take that, Apple.
When it comes to interest, the Sun seems to have a hard time differentiating so I thought I’d help. However I’m not sure they’ll know mathematical notation, being the retarded fucksticks that they are. What’s REALLY in the public interest is the name of the girl who sold the photos. I want to know what…
Hey SalesForce, Apple, Monsanto! GRAND NEWS! You can save a FORTUNE on patent and trademark applications by NOT TRYING TO OWN EVERY SINGLE FUCKING THING.
If “Ooooh! Look guys! I just thought about having a slidy thing to unlock the screen!” (good work, Apple) makes you run to the patent office in a frenzy, then might I suggest you stop just a moment and have a little think about what your life has come to? And if you feel it’s…