Category: Fucking obvious idea
Be excellent to each other.
Thanks, Bill! Thanks, Ted!
Drink more bottled water.
I love bottled water! I drink it every day and enjoying the approving glances from sexy ladies who like my devil-may-care attitude. I don’t worry a damn about school-masterly Adriatic turtles, or the fact that it’s possibly the most naive and ludicrous product ever created, or that it’s contrived to deceive. I think drinking bottled…
Donate to wikipedia.
No ads. No agenda. No strings attached. No Rupert Fucking Murdoch. Just knowledge all collated by one astonishingly simple idea: that together we are audaciously fucking good. That audacity makes Wikipedia the 5th most popular website in the world. And it’s not commercial. Which makes it about as awesome as the NHS and the…
Fuck the £30bn high-speed rail plan; just put in more seats, wifi, and power sockets.
Lord Adonis said the project would create 10,000 jobs and yield £2 in benefits for every £1 spent. Wow. That’s £3m per job. The problem is not how long it takes, it’s that you have to sit on the fucking floor. Give someone a seat and a plug and it’ll be some of the most…
Make some major fucking changes.
Let’s take stock: The way we’ve created money is systemically flawed; our energy system is no longer fit for purpose; we’re seriously fucking with our life support systems; and we’re working harder than ever at doing it. Wow, that’s embarrassing. But amidst all this stupid there’s some seriously good news. These are all systemic problems,…
Do something about it.
Pick something you care about, but you don’t think you can fix. Write to your MP and ask them to fix it for you. How fucking easy was that?! All that time you’ve been sitting there feeling powerless and depressed, and it’s as easy at that! WOO HOO! Democracy, eh?! Fucking brilliant!
Being short of money when there’s work to be done is like not having enough inches to build a house.
Rethink money. Rethink banking. Rethink finance. And then spread the fucking word. Okay? Are we clear? Because this money malarkey has gone beyond a joke, and you deserve better. Okay, good. You rock. Seriously. You’re on fucking fire with brilliance. I like you. Now get reading, because without you they’re just going to keep fucking…
A green economy is less work, safer, healthier, and more fun.
Spread the word, because some people obviously haven’t worked this out yet and it would be kinda cool for them to enjoy the ride, too.
Even hippy food fucks things up. Eat local and seasonal.
Imported soy = Bad Thing. Especially if you’re a cow, because you cows eat fucking cart loads of the stuff. Tastes bland to me, but whatever, because the main point is that you have to be some special kind of ecopathic-money-grabbing fuckwit to chop down lovely rainforest to make fucking tofu animal chow. However since…
Get out of the fucking way!
Guess what? Great fucking news! It turns out that we’re not completely fucking stupid and can work shit out for ourselves as long as the powers-that-be aren’t preventing us from doing so.