Category: Fucking obvious idea
We are now faced with the fact that tomorrow is today. We are confronted with the fierce urgency of now. There is such a thing as being too late. We may cry out desperately for time to pause in her passage, but time is adamant to every plea and rushes on. Over the bleached bones and jumbled residues of numerous civilizations are written the pathetic words, “Too late.”
Damned right, Martin. Damned right.
Fuck their reality. It’s your world.
Fukushima has enough fucking cameras pointing at it. Can we please deal with the real meltdown in Libya and Bahrain, where paying attention WILL make a fucking difference?
Don’t get me wrong – Japan is tragic and fucking hard to deal with, and it’s scary, and so on and so on. But until something changes there is nothing significant happening here. They’re on it. Good work. Keep it up. We’ll do what we can to help, and that probably involves a bit fucking…
Don’t swear so fucking much.
Use plain text emails
+ better for the environment since they’re much smaller+ better for mobiles, where email is increasingly being consumed + security & privacy+ faster to load + less likely to be classed as spam + prints cleanly, saving paper+ total compatibility + exceptional accessibility + standardised appearance + bandwidth savings for everyone + most email clients…
Are you healthy? Good. Go see your Doctor.
Imagine you’re a doctor. Can you imagine how it would feel be to know that if many of your patients had dropped in regularly, they’d not be sat in front of you right now ill or dying? Man, that must suck. You can – and should – go to your GP when you’re well…
Build more nuclear power stations.
If you’re a sociopathic thoughtless motherfucker, here are our top tips for building nuclear: Build them before or during periods of great social and environmental change, ideally matched by geopolitical instability. This will ensure that no matter how well the proles overcome other problems, they’ll always have this to deal with. Try to simultaneously let…
Don’t be so hung up on ownership.
You don’t have to own the park to enjoy the walk through it. If we just fucking share / rent / collaborate more, we’d need to produce less, earn less, and have less shit to worry about. I know, right?! How cool would that be? Earning less with fewer hassles! Fucking bring it, bro! Cars…
Fuck cancer.
Give up something for 40 days.
Tradition dictates that we give up stuff today. It’s a good fucking idea, too. Breaking habits is hard, but if you know lots of other people are doing it at the same time, it makes it easier to go the distance. I’m giving up facebook and rewarding myself with £5 for every day I…