Category: Fucking obvious idea
Don’t grow old. Identify and reconsider your assumptions and prejudices.
Information changes every day. What you thought you knew has already moved on. Here’s proof.
Tax bads, not goods.
Reinvent your life.
It’s spring! Spring is fucking great! It’s the time of a great renaissance – a renewed celebration of life. The simple and pure delights of feeling the vitality of existence on this lovely, precious planet! It’s a time for new beginnings, new joys, savouring a-fresh, re-evaluating ourselves and how we live. Good fucking times! So,…
Think happy thoughts.
Fuck people, save animals.
More fucking bike lanes.
Avoid tax, sell bullshit, fuck over Ireland.
Just another day for Sir(?!) Martin Sorrell as advertising firm WPP moves its tax HQ back to the UK after proposed changes in the Budget means it can avoid its civic duty to pay tax even more effectively here than in Ireland, to which it distastefully fled in 2008. What twats. If you have dealings…
Ban billboard advertising and appreciate architecture again.
They did it in Sao Paolo, and 70% approve.
Sharpen your tools.
Just fucking do it.
Tomorrow may be too late. And even if it’s not too late, you’re going to be older and have less energy to get it done. Just… stop fucking about and get on it, k? Deal? Good! OK, now go! You rock! Make it fucking happen!