Category: Fucking obvious idea
There is nothing either good or bad, but thinking makes it so.
Some Hamlet there for a fucking wise and highbrow start to the week. I’m not sure if it’s right mind you. SURE our perception is everything, and being internally resilient and being able to make the best of things is good etc, but there are some situations which are a bit TOO fucked up and…
Share your good fucking ideas.
You’re super-fucking-smart, right? I mean like at least once every few days you think to yourself, “Why the FUCK would they do it like that?” If people consulted you first the world would probably be a lot better, fairer, smoother, smarter, more fun, less profligate, more creative, and about 3 or 4 shades more awesome,…
Be super-fucking-cool.
Hold on tightly. Let go lightly.
Your advice is fucking brilliant. Be sure to follow it yourself.
Assume the best.
People are generally really very fucking cool, have good intentions, and want to be nice. Which can come as a big fucking shock sometimes, but there it is.
If you think factory farming is a good idea, you’re (1) a brutal, thoughtless, motherfucker, or (2) not in full possession of the facts.
Factory farming: we don’t need it, people don’t want to buy its produce, it’s utterly cruel (and yes that does fucking matter), and it pollutes the bejesus out of the world. Fuck that shit. Here’s a video to cheer you up and make everything better.
Throw more fucking money at the problem, that’s bound to fucking fix it.
I’m looking at you, Portugal. And you Ireland. And you, Banking System. And you consumerism. But don’t sweat it, because we’re all playing a game with crappy rules. We’ll all stop playing soon, it’s just that you guys are ‘out’ first. How about you get busy working out the rules for the new game and…
Go to Tescos for fucking everything.
Or you could use your local shops, because if you don’t they won’t be there and longer, and they you’ll wish you had. Local shops are easier, save time, are often about the same price as supermarkets (who only have low prices on the items you pay attention to), employ more local people, keep money…
Don’t get in or out of bed for money. Do it for fun.