Category: Fucking obvious idea
Recycle. Save the world. Get laid.
Americans throw away enough aluminium every three months to rebuild the US’s entire commercial air fleet. Not that you’d want to, but that’s a lot of “aluminum” Meantime if you recycle, almost everyone will appreciate your awesomeness.
Just fucking commit.
It’s like the placebo effect. It shouldn’t work, but it does. Sometimes. Or not. Oh I don’t know. You see here we have a case in point: if I’d come in all fixed with “just fucking commit” and left it at that, people would be linking to this all day long for its bold clarity.…
For every child born, plant a tree.
Global population increases by ~200,000 every day. Rather than give presents, how about planting a tree instead? They can visit it throughout their lives and grow with it, climb in its branches, kiss beneath it’s boughs, be married in its shade, and swing their children from its limbs.
If you don’t wear a helmet, carry a donor card.
And if you wear one already, please carry a donor card, too. You’re fit AND smart. Given a choice between a non-helmet wearing person and you, I’d definitely go with your organs. 2 of 2 inspired by Jessica Brittain-George
You’re more likely to get laid if you wear a bike helmet when you cycle.
Because you won’t be dead. Because we look for intelligence once we’ve established fitness, and you’ve already proven you’re fit and smart enough by riding a bike. 1 of 2 inspired by Jessica Brittain-George
Stop doing businesses with people who only print on one side.
Run it by me first, k?
Let’s double check it to make sure it’s simple, inspirational, and designed for long term prosperity, because I’ve seen a lot of fucked up shit of late, and it’s getting silly.
________ is / are so 20th century.
Fuck spies, hackers, and home secretaries before they fuck you.
Protect your privacy online using nothing but an onion: install TOR today.
Whisky, guns, girls, treehouses.