Category: Fucking obvious idea
Global advertising spend is $498 billion. We don’t need that shit.
That’s $64 for every single person alive. That’s fucking outrageous. $498 billion spend manufacturing demand for produce we don’t want, can’t afford, doesn’t make us happy, and typically does fuck up the planet. It’s it about time we found a better way of finding out out things we might want to buy? Maybe we could…
Are you in your 50s or 60s? There has been a 28% decline in species since 1970. That was your watch. Please stop with the denial bullshit.
Be fucking awesome for 100 years.
0-5 years: with family5-25: learning awesomeness25-50: starting an awesome family, living an awesome life50-75: being awesome for others75-100: reflecting on how awesome it’s been Ashrama rocks
Reality is fucking scary.
NEWSFLASH!! Technology is no longer holding us back STOP We have reached abundance STOP Our most critical problems require only social solutions STOP
Chill the fuck out.
The IPCC (2007b) suggests that 20–30% of species are likely to be committed to extinction after rises of 2–3°C. After a 4°C rise, up to 70% of species will be at risk. 70 FUCKING PERCENT. Fuck.
Don’t give money to banks, give money directly to big, sensible projects.
Like insulating the 6.3 million under insulated homes, or building gigawatts of offshore wind energy, or installing electric charging stations for cars, or putting wifi on all trains (or renationalising them for that matter), or getting farmers to build hedges, or.. just ANYTHING but giving it to bankers to get rich on. That’s just fucking…
Solve the problem, not the symptom.
Sugar AND a stick to stir? Why not just make the stirrer out of sugar? Fucking GENIUS.
When you become a freakin’ gazillionaire for doing this, please be nice.
The UK is in recession largely because WE’RE MEASURING THE WRONG FUCKING STUFF.
I refer you honourable people to the point I made some time ago.