Category: Fucking obvious idea
Go back to bed.
Just put 10 trillion fucking euros in to the banks, realise that ‘the markets’ STILL aren’t happy, realise you’re playing in to their greedy little hands, renege on all your debts, and start using a triple-bottom-line accounting system based on the ability of the planet to support life.
More potatoes, less bread.
Let the Oyster cards pay for Boris bikes.
“Too big to fail” didn’t work for T.Rex, the Third Reich, or Gaddafi.
Drop seeds not bombs.
via the astoundingly good Sonny Green. @SGB94
Celebrating the reign of an annoyingly un-vocal figurehead every 10 years may seem weird, until you remember what people do for god.
Print your own money.
Write “Please keep me in [FIRST PART OF YOUR POSTCODE]” on every note which passes through your hands. It will make it worth 2-3 times as much.
400 parts per fucking million is NOT a good fucking idea.
We’ve not had that level of atmospheric CO2 for at least 800,000 years. “The world’s political leaders are failing catastrophically to address the climate crisis. History will not understand or forgive them” says Al Gore. So thank heavens we have football and the ‘Euro crisis’ because otherwise reality is a bit too scary.
Money is just a fucking idea. We invented it to help us, and now we are subjugated by it. Let’s re-invent it, but let’s be smart this time, k?
The Finance Lab: how do we create a financial system that sustains people & planet? BALLE: the Business Alliance for Local, Living Economies