Category: Fucking obvious idea
If you don’t like your job, or you’re shit at it, quit.
You’re making no one happy.
Tell us which journalists you’ve slept with.
Email us with names, date(s), whether they were married at the time, notes for kinky shit, whether it was straight or gay or ‘other’, and send photos if you can. Maybe once they’re divorced, ostracised, shown to be hypocrites, and had their children alienate them they’ll realise that most people don’t care, and the “public…
Tell the fucking truth.
You’ll find that most of the time no one really gives a fuck, and you get points for being honest.
Accept things just the way they are.
Everything is absolutely fine. High train fares are an inevitable fact of life. If it’s cheaper to make a new one than repair the old one, that’s a sign of human success, not failure. Low pay for teachers, nurses, and farmers reflects what level of the work they do and should encourage them to get…
Build a fake Trident.
Cost of replacing Trident: £26bn. Cost of ALL secondary and university education in the UK: £27bn. Trident is a fucking stupid, expensive bit of posturing which we’ll never use. Can you imagine ANY scenario in which we’d actually use it? Or ANY scenario in which someone would choose not to do something on account of…
Fart loudly. It’s funny.
If I want to die, that’s really none of your fucking business.
I can see that a responsible society should be encouraging its citizens to stay alive, and that life is rosy and good (because it’s fucking marvellous on the whole) but if there comes a time when I’m in pain (physical OR mental, in my opinion, but I’m happy to stick with just physical for the…
Create an economic infrastrucutre which accurately values all the things we value.
Or as RFK would put it “We will find neither national purpose nor personal satisfaction in a mere continuation of economic progress, in an endless amassing of worldly goods. We cannot measure national spirit by the Dow Jones Average, nor national achievement by the Gross National Product. For the Gross National Product includes air pollution,…
Expect the best, but brace yourself for a harsh kicking from a fucking ruthless reality.
We all have the capacity to be amazing and wonderful, but most of the time we end up finding ways of allowing ourselves to be narrow-minded fuckwits. Nonetheless, please try to behave as you know you should, with fairness, civility, and compassion – there are enough of us who will acknowledge and appreciate it to…
Pretend you’re a fucking wise, old zen guru with the perspective, wisdom, and patience of a god.
It makes peoples’ daily stupidity a lot easier to tolerate.