Category: Fucking obvious idea

  • Bless the pomodoro.

    Bless the pomodoro.

    What the fuck is a pomodoro?

  • Take joy in your work and savour the bliss of leisure.

    Take joy in your work and savour the bliss of leisure.

    If you’re not enjoying being at work today, this is for you: The function of work to be at least threefold: to give man a chance to utilise and develop his faculties; to enable him to overcome his ego-centredness by joining with other people in a common task; and to bring forth the goods and…

  • How you make your livelihood is absolutely fucking vital.

    How you make your livelihood is absolutely fucking vital.

    First, do no evil. Then try to do good. If you’re doing good already, WE ADORE YOU! You are the person who other people think of as brave, and noble, and wise. Keep it up, and hold our hands as we come across. If you’re unsure, it’s probably evil. Just in case, quit and find…

  • Don’t be a jerk. Be fucking AWESOME!

    Don’t be a jerk. Be fucking AWESOME!

    Every moment is a choice. (Though…. maybe it IS all predestined, but that seems really very unlikely, wouldn’t you say?)

  • Don’t fuck fish.

    Don’t fuck fish.

    It’s pretty fucking hard to argue with good advice like that. But it’s even harder to argue with the fact that we SERIOUSLY NEED TO CHANGE OUR FUCKING FISHING HABITS. (Links to scary pictures showing how we fuck fish.) Get this for retarded:  Half of all the fish caught in the North Sea are thrown…

  • Go by bike.

    Go by bike.

  • Economic development not economic growth.

    Economic development not economic growth.

    People who should know better are forever banging on about ‘economic growth’ as being something which we should make a priority. Really? How’s that going to work? We keep on doing more stuff, which begets more stuff, which begets more stuff… so… you really don’t need to be more than about four years old to…

  • Appreciate life.

    Appreciate life.

  • Rain. Forest.

    Rain. Forest.

    Brilliant on their own, fucking EPIC together. So it’s a real fucking tragedy* that Brazil has torn up its rainforest preservation rules. * Actually it’s worse than a tragedy: it’s a complete fucking catastrophe that will severely diminish the capacity of this planet to support life (all life, including yours) just because lots of fat,…

  • Fuck supermarkets.

    Fuck supermarkets.

    Join a buying group to get cheaper, better food. Find one near you at and cut out the middle man whilst protecting your wallet from drought induced price increases.