Category: Fucking obvious idea
Talk to your friends about anthropogenic climate change, peak oil, modern democracies, and sustainable economic models. If you don’t, Rupert Murdoch will.
And then we’ll be even more fucked. Seriously, do have those conversations. You’ll be surprised how many people you know are blissfully ignorant, and thereby making your pain worse. If they knew how much the reality they’re ignoring hurts you, they’d probably pay attention.
P2P Tamagotchi healthcare.
Rather than looking after stupid electronic giblets, we look after each other via anonymous apps and shit. Just riff on the idea. I don’t fucking know. It sounds good, though, right?
Let people arriving in the country help themselves to all the stuff they fucking confiscate when you go through customs.
Fuck you, social media media bubble, for giving us false hope.
Things like the EU magicing £834,000,000,000 into existence to give to fucking banks makes me want to tear my fucking eyeballs out.
Wait. Not my eyeballs. Theirs. Fucking, short-sighted, naive, spineless, mindless arrogant fucks.
Winter = porridge. It fucking rocks.
Tip: soak it with fruit and nuts the night before and it will be naturally sweet and gloriously tasty.
Get a fucking hobby.
And if you can sell the things you make, so much the better.
The pen is mightier than the sword. But the sword really nailed the business model thing, which rather undermines the pen. Fuck modern economics.
Unfrack yourself
Fewer than 50% of Brits support #fracking, yet 98% fund it by not switching energy supplier. Unfrack yourself, and share. Lots.
Anyone who has more than three uninsulated properties by 2016 has them nationalised.
There, solved employment, fracking, and nuclear power with one policy. Tips to my election campaign welcome.