Author: admin
Take the fucking piss.
We’re all full of shit, so it’s just good fucking sense to take the piss.
Next time, don’t fucking bail out shit we know to be broken.
If you want something new and better to grow, you have to give it a fair chance.
Label genetically modified food.
On the one hand they say it’s so safe and unmodified that it doesn’t really need testing or labelling, but on the other hand it does deserve a fucking patent? Stay off the meat and the certainly the salmon.
Saving energy doesn’t cost money.
Spread the fucking word!
What word? Any fucking word! Whatever you find interesting: TELL PEOPLE ABOUT IT. If we all have to find out everything for ourselves we’re going to miss a lot of good stuff. Have conversations on the bus, give checkout assistants random things to to something to mull upon, write a blog. You are the butterfly…
Plant some fucking trees.
Better yet, some government dude will plant them for you if you just send him fucking email. How easy is that? Democracy in fucking action! The internet was such a good idea. Not mine, alas, but it’s still way the fuck up there.
Use the next 74 months fucking wisely.
Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Get a fucking move on!
Stop building fucking roads. You know?
Throw fuckloads of money at algae research.
Oil from slime?! That’s fucking awesome! And get this: it kicks the arse out of biofuels, it’s bio-fucking-degradable AND I can run a freakin’ fighter jet on it! Fuck yeah! That’s one good fucking idea.